Let's not die (Forever): Next stop...Immortality!

Spartan, Army, Sun, Dusk, Roman, Soldier, Shield, Hero

 😒 It's not a joke man.. or woman...
Don't believe me? 
Continue reading you'll soon begin to trust😏 
Humans have always wondered, "What would it be like to be an immortal ?"

"What would it be like to have enough time in life to do everything?''  

What is immortality?
 I guess, most of you already know what being immortal means.
Well let me just explain those people from another planet who don't know what is immortality!
Let's start it simple...
If we never die and keep living forever, in other words being immortal.

According to Wikipedia,
Some scientists, Futurists, Philosophers have theorized about the immortality of the human body, with some people suggesting that immortality may be achievable in the first few decades of the 21st century.

You guys must've watched the movie called Get Out, directed by Jordan Peele.
This movie also suggests one of the ideas by which Immortality can be achieved. 

Now allow me to explain to you what is the basic idea of achieving immortality we get from this film.

* In this film, they basically perform brain transplants.
This results in the total transfer of mind, intellect, emotions, memories, behavior, etc. from one body to the other.
              Man, Dark, Gloomy, Mood, Mystical, Night
Dark side of this type of Ideology 
This type of ideology is very dangerous because,
People can even take new bodies without the consent of the actual owner. So, they kinda commit murder to get access to the new body. Plus, people will have to and they will change bodies constantly after their current bodies become old or even in other scenarios like an injury to the previous body, disease, etc.

Spooky ideology right!!

Physical Immortality 
It's a state of life where a person can avoid death and maintain conscious thought. It means a person can exist forever from a physical source other than organic life, such as a machine.
(source: Wikipedia)

Theories which can overcome causes of Death 
1) No more Aging! - According to Aubrey De Grey(A biomedical gerontologist ) describes aging as" a collection of cumulative changes to the molecular and cellular structure of an adult organism, which result in essential metabolic processes, but which also, after a certain point f time, increasingly disrupt metabolism, resulting in pathology and death ".
If our technology can somehow reverse aging ... then one the main causes of death will be cleared from our path to immortality. In detail how this will be done, you can check out the following video link
How to cure aging
(So bye ...old age)
2)Disease: If we can create nanobots that can take down pathogens, cure internal infections, cancers viruses etc. 
Then we'll be like.....
What is a disease, I can't find it in my dictionary!

3)Injury: Just like a disease, if we need to program nanobots inside in such a way that they repair damages. In other words a self - healing body.
Although our bodies can cure some part of the injuries. But imagine a body that will be ever ready to cure any type of injury on its own.

Damn!! Sounds cool. 
Sounds like Vin Diesel from bloodshot.
Apart from the ways suggested in the movie  Get Out.
Check out the following ways of achieving Immortality:-
Cryonics :
What does it mean?
It is a type of technique used after a person's death to preserve the body at very low temperatures in the hope that they can be revived when a cure is found to their illness. Well, the modern-day method involves creating a glass-like state rather than freezing, to reduce the risk of ice crystals damaging the cell structure.
How will this help?
It would clinically allow dead people to be brought back in the future wen cure to their disease has been discovered and aging is reversible.   
 Mind Uploading
We believe that in the near future human-computer interface technologies will reach such an advanced level that humans will be able to upload their consciousness to computers. 
There are some questions like: Will our consciousness still be our consciousness?
Will such Upload be fatal?
Well for some extra information, check out the following article A startup is pitching a mind-uploading service that is ''100% fatal".

Hand, Robot, Human, Machine, Face, Woman
The process of making humans, cyborgs can include extraction of the human processing unit and placing it in a machine (robotic life support system). Even replacing Human body parts would increase lifespan. For Example, Replacing original legs with machinated legs could allow us to run faster, jump higher.
Another example would be like hacking a system with the help of some chip-sets in our brains.

Remember, none of the links in this blog was any sort of promotion and I did not receive any payment for providing links, they were put in this blog for a greater cause of making resources available for the readers.  

That's all for today's article. See Ya all in the next blog.👋
Research from: Wikipedia.org, news.sky.com, livescience.com
Pictures from: Pixabay.com, hqdwalls.com
Article by: Sci-hut group