There are ghosts for real ? What does Science say about their existence?
                 Ghost, Halloween, Horror, Bride, White
What's a Ghost?
According to wikipedia .In folklore , Ghost is a soul or spirit of a dead person  that can appear like it's still alive.
I think it's some sort of  unidentified energy field .

Views Of John Ferriar
John Ferriar , was physician and was mostly known for his studies on  the causes of typhoid . 
Well we are not here for discussing typhoid ,Are we?😓😷
So what did he do about ghosts?
He published a theory of apparitions in the year 1813, which stated that apparitions could be the result  of optical illusions.

What's an Apparition?
A ghost or ghost like image of a person . 
It's that easy .Isn't it?

Do you see Ghosts too ? There may be a  be a medical reason .
( hope they don't mind us providing some information, and if they do , it's a humble request to them that just email us we will take this data which is taken from their site down .Our email :
Joe Nickell, a senior research fellow for the committee for skeptical inquiry.He says "that he's never found any ghost in any of the places he investigated"."instead, Ghosts are result of prank , or physiological conditions such as  sleep paralysis and hypnogogic hallucinations or even Carbon monoxide poisoning in the house .
Dr Priyanka Yadav , a sleep specialist says that these dreams  can include serpents , spiders , Ghosts or any other type of thing the person fears.
"People can feel as if someone is choking them  . They often feel like someone's coming into their room and they just lie there helplessly unable to talk or scream or do something about it ."she  
 Why do people believe in ghosts? 
Well to answer this  I will direct you to a site called and you'll find your answer there and don't forget to tell them 'bout us , so you know we could become a little known to each other.😅😅
  Ghost Hunting
                   Magnifying, Glass, Detective, Looking
You all must be familiar with the term ' Ghost hunting' .
And people who don't know about it , No worries !
I am here to explain , as usual .
Basically exploring the sites or locations which people claim to be haunted is known as ghost hunting .These hunters try to collect proof of ghosts using devices such as EMF meters, digital thermometers , motion capturing cameras , Audio recorders , Night vision cameras etc.
Well people criticize this method a lot due to dismissal of  scientific method.

How these Devices work?
1) EMF
It simply measures magnetic fields around . Some paranormal investigators think that this is a proof of ghost's presence.According to them ghosts create the Waves.
Some People also theorize that these waves might be the reason why people report haunting in certain areas.According to such people the magnetic waves  interact with the human brain and causes  such hallucination and apparitions.
2) Digital thermometers and Thermal Cameras


Generally paranormal investigators believe  that the places where ghosts exist have very low temperatures.
                     Snow Monkeys, Macaque, Japanese
Hey monkeys !! Don't look at me like that ,I am not saying that you all are ghosts either.
Off course Antarctica is not Haunted .
I am not talking about cool places , I am talking about sudden drop in temperatures in places which are generally warm . 
According to the ghost hunters  the  ghost's presence makes the surrounding suddenly cool .
Hey Ghosts , do visit me in summers.
3) Motion Capturing Cameras
These type of cameras sense movement of objects or any thing in it's view ,these cameras have sensitive sensors which can track even a minor movement . Things become spooky when the camera clicks without anything in front of it.
Well i don't know if it has happened in reality also . I saw it in a movie and i just had to explain it's working process to you guys .
4)Audio Recorders
These recorders have the the ability to record very minor sounds which we don't usually hear with normal ears. 

Some famous paranormal investigators to read about :
1) Ed an Lorraine Warren .....the conjuring guys 
2)Harry Price
3) Gaurav Tiwari  
Look there might be others too, but I've read just about them.
You can read about others on internet.

I'll provide you a list of  websites totally dedicated to Paranormal
activities.Check out the following link

So do they exist or not?

                                                        Male, Expressive, Man, Expression
Well one theory  of science could  prove that :-
The Law of conservation of energy...
According to this law  the energy can neither  be created nor destroyed it just simply transforms from one form to another.
What happens to all the energy of the body after the person dies?
...ghosts could be that energy form.
Other Scientific views
Well science doesn't have good reasons and proofs to prove their existence . It is usually referred to as  a topic of Pseudoscience .

What is pseudoscience?
Those statements , beliefs or practices which  are both scientific and factual both  but are incompatible with scientific methods.

A last note 
No matter what science says , ghost believers will still be unbelieving to our research .So let them be conservative and don't argue with them .After all we can only change ourselves and not others.😪 

Well, that's all for today's article meet you in the next article.
Bye - bye. Ta - ta.

             Halloween, Ghosts, Happy Halloween

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Written by : Sci-hut group
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